Hello, I’m Monique!

An International Channeler and Intuitive Tarot Reader

I grew up in a small family within the United States. Both of my parents were immigrants from other countries, Romania for my father side and Korea from my mother. From a young age I was integrated deeply into the Christian faith. From weekly Bible studies, youth groups, prayer meetings, attending church weekly- there were very few moments throughout my life when there was no discussion of the Christian faith.

From a young age, I had many spiritual experiences. At first my parents chalked it up to me being a kid with a large imagination, but they began to raise an eyebrow at me as I became older and the spiritual phenomenon continued.

Although I had a complete fascination with spirit communication, I was taught from the start that all of this was demonic forces working against God’s children, and we were to condemn these gifts. People who are involved in these abilities such as prophecy, interpreting omens, using divination, etcetera are considered possessed and dangerous.

As I grew older I suppressed many of my abilities and forgot about them for a while. My intuition and natural insight I thought was something everyone had, and never quite lost that. Only until I became older did I realize that it was tied to the spiritual realm.

Spiritual practices runs in my family blood and lineage on both sides of the family. All throughout the recent years it has been condemned and banished. I have become the “black sheep” of the family, and with age experience learned to embrace exactly as I am. I slowly began to unlearn what I had learned over the years, and step into the inner worlds.

Throughout my life I had moments of these deep realizations. From a young age I always questions why we believed in the Bible in the first place. “Who says this is the only way to Heaven?” I would ask my parents. They shunned me from thinking such thoughts- but my curious nature was never squashed.

At the ripe age of 18 I told my parents that since I was considered an adult legally, I would no longer attend church and I began to study all the other religions. For this I was suddenly on my own living with some friends in an apartment and took life head on. My parents have always been loving, and they did all that they thought was for my best interest. To this day, I am forever grateful for who they are and exactly how they raised me.

I had pushed back some of the spiritual aspects and was very caught up with living life and the daily responsibilities of making money and trying to fit into the world. I ended up being in many bad relationships, losing myself to alcohol, cigarettes, and the validations from others and things in all the wrong ways. I was very successful in my banking career, and thought I really got life down in my pocket.

Experience after experience throughout the years, eventually I found myself faced with the realizations of what reality and life truly is. In 2020 shortly after I birthed my daughter, the veil was lifted from my eyes and I saw what Is. Since then, I have shed the illusion and embraced all that I am from the inside out. Transformation of the mind body and soul completely took over.

Through deep inner work and comprehending all levels of reality to my highest capability, I stripped away much of the self and embraced the Being within. Through this many of the spiritual “gifts”, which I now know are the true aspects of being a human, started to form and shape in my reality. With practice and continuing to go within, many revelations within the self have been revealed over and over again. The deeper within I go, the more I know how much I do not know.

My perspective on what reality is, who I am, and what being present is all about has shifted in ways that are difficult to put into words. Life is this beautiful journey, and every moment is a precious gift. My use of these spiritual gifts I fully intend to use for the expansion of my Consciousness/Awareness, the Collective Consciousness/Awareness, Channel light into this realm, transmute energy, expand and explore the Astral and other dimensions, healing the internal worlds, and surrendering to Unconditional Love.

Life is constantly being created, and I choose to create from my heart. I wish happiness and peace for all beings and intend to help those in need. I will teach and be taught those who are wanting to go on this soul journey in their divine alignment with my highest ability. For we are both the seekers, and the sought.

If you are interested in booking a one-on-one connection, please visit “Services“. You can donate at Monique Trizzino (buymeacoffee.com).