Comprehending the Shadows

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Many people within the spiritual community discuss something that is called “Shadow Work”. To someone who is just stepping into this space may immediately think of witchcraft or some form of dark magic. The intention behind “Shadow Work” is acknowledging that there is a darkness within the heart, within the body, within the energetic field, etc. That shadows are very real. This is not meant to be a woo-woo thing, and it is a very real part of our dualistic reality.

It is very important to comprehend and see the shadows that are coming up to play within our energetic field. What happens when we comprehend and face the darkness within ourselves? Well, it loses grip. Looking at it head on without being swayed by the emotional pull then puts you into a position which the darkness has less control within you.

Humans are energetic beings, we run on electricity, we are magnetic- there is a measurable field of energy that can be tested physically with devices to show the voltage being produced by our body. Emotions are also measurable by the field they produce. No energy is ever lost, it is always being moved one way or another. When one begins doing this “Shadow Work”, essentially you are recognizing and taking slow stagnant energy and moving or converting the dense energy into a higher vibrational state.

For example, when you are feeling angry towards a situation- recognizing anger is over you is the first step. Comprehending what is happening within your body, mind, and soul is the next transition to take that energy. Release the hold of anger and go into the mental/heart space. This art of creating a balance sync of the mind and heart to come into alignment with one another takes practice. This also takes the balancing of the two hemispheres within the brain. Once this occurs, begin to meditate in the situation you are facing. As you come into yourself and begin to process with observation all that has been playing out from the emotions to the remembrance, allow the energy to be transformed. Having gratitude for the confrontation or friction internally or externally helps the energy to release easier. Recognizing the purpose it has served, and served you well, then releasing it as it has finished its role to play within your life and body completes the layer that has been comprehended.

To release the shadows on a physical feeling description boils down to a simple way of looking at it: changing it from one emotion to another, and understanding why it is able to change. Some emotions sit heavier in the body, and these are what we associate as negative emotions. They do more damage to the body than supporting it. The higher vibrating emotions brings the opposite- heals and promotes health throughout the physical body.

As we go through this mindful and aware process, your life from the inside out will begin to change. Everything around us and within us is energy. As you transmute negative and dense energy out of your life, this creates space for something new. If you chose to go back to that negative space, you will see this manifest in your life. How you chose to continue to move forward in your life will affect the physical reality around you. As your perception expands and becomes clearer, your life will then reflect that.

Short cuts such as hypnosis will not expand the soul in the same sense as doing the deep shadow work. The roots have not been addressed, and without being so they will become expressed one way or another. You can utilize hypnosis to bring forward thoughts or emotions and work on those specific details- this is a beautiful practice. Many will just look up a guided mediation or a video that will reprogram the mind to override a thought process as opposed to you going in and facing your thoughts or belief systems. Keep this in your mind and your heart as you move forward. The short road may seem easy at first, but the long road will take you to your true destination.

I challenge you to look within! Moment to moment, energy is always moving. How do you choose to let energy move throughout your body, mind, and soul? Do you allow others to influence and sway how you want to feel? We are here on the Earth to live life, and we all want happiness. Looking at heavy or negative situations in this way may greatly ease your pain. Your deepest form of healing can be birthed from your pain. Surrender fully with grace and gratitude to love.

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