4 Steps to Creating A Sacred Space

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As you begin your awakening and remembrance journey, there are many aspects within your life that may begin to change externally and internally. This may create a snowball effect, and can become very overwhelming. One of the ways to ground oneself and create stability is to give yourself a sacred place to fall back into. Ideally, your home would be that space. For most people making the whole home sacred can be quite challenging and overwhelming. Everyone’s situation is different- some people may be living with other family members, some may have kids, others have so many things they have accumulated over the years and it’s too much to handle at once.

My advice is to begin with one room at a time. Feel what fits best for you. Do you spend most of your day in a specific area? Do you need an escape room to come home to? Do you find one room in particular in the home that is more dense than others? Whichever place and space you pick first, I will provide 5 steps below to improve that area, and make it a spiritual support center for you and your journey.

1) Cleanliness and Organization

Keeping your space clear of clutter and allowing energy to move through the room is extremely important. Pay attention to areas that collect the most dust, and ensure that there is flow within those spaces. Go through your belongings, and get rid of things that you haven’t used or touched in years. This allows new energy to flow- in order to receive one must release!

Keeping an organized, clean space is also an opportunity to keep yourself accountable with staying on top of tasks. We all are busy, but completing what is a priority consciously and finding a way to be productive daily and relax daily takes practice. One perk to keeping your space organized and clean, is that it allows the mind and body to feel less cluttered, feel less stressed. On the other hand, it doesn’t stay clean by itself!

Awareness Tip!

Pay close attention to your relationship with the items you are both keeping and releasing. Within the feeling is a communication to reveal an aspect of yourself that may need to be looked at. If you are feeling resistance to separating from a particular item, sit with that or take note of it and meditate on it later. Knowing your relationship with the items in your direct environment can teach you a lot of your internal world, so keep note of this.

To allow the souls highest self to work through you, you must make space for this. There is no cookie cutter way of finding the way for answers to flow. Some may need a strict schedule to implement new habits. The universe may mix up life for you to release control if it’s becoming too egoic and not from the heart space. Be prepared to allow life to not go exactly as you have had it planned- allow energy to flow, not restrict it. One must be disciplined enough to be able to surrender within the divine consciously while living in the 3-D realm fully present. This takes practice!

2) Sounds and Music

Everything around and inside of us holds a vibration and frequency . These vibrations can behave like codes or keys to either enhance or keep in aspects within the self.

In both spiritual practices and scientific findings, higher vibrations impact the environment and moods in a positive motion. Playing classical music has been recorded to decrease cortisol in the body, and increase dopamine in the brain. Classical music also increases plant growth, causing the nutrients in the plant to flow more efficiently. Now imagine what that can do for you and your loved ones. Not only on a physical level, but it all ties back to the spiritual realms! The physical is being projected through the spiritual, therefore they impact one another.

I encourage those who are seeking to increase flow and divinity within their life to play beautiful sounds; from birds singing, 528hz music online, Tibetan bowls, Beethoven, or your children laughing. Allow these beautiful tones to sink into your being, and truly comprehend how they make you feel and shift your energy. Use this as a tool to uplift and clear the entire space.

We live in a dualistic universe, so the other spectrum can have a suppressing effect on your system. Allowing movies with scary sounds and grotesque visuals will impact your home and it’s state of vibration. Be aware of this.

Awareness Tip!

There is a sound in silence as well. When you are going within, take note of what this sound is and what it feels like to you. The deeper you go within, there are sounds that can take place in the astral for you as well. Ringing in the ears is also an indication to take note of. The more you sit in the silence, the less silent it becomes.

3) Smells and Incense

Our bodies are designed to use the sense of smell to determine by our physical biology if something is safe or not. People will stick their nose into a container that has been in the refrigerator and decide if it has spoiled or is OK to eat. Smells are around us all of the time, and it is easy to forget how useful it is until we either lose it or it helps us out of a sticky situation.

When it comes to your home, adding an aroma to ease stress and put a smile on the face is a small thing to do, with a large impact. A good or bad smell can completely shift the way a person feels when walking into a space. Knowing this you can put to use the power of smells and make an immediate change in how the room or home feels.

There are many ways one can integrate good supportive smells in the home. Make your own candles or purchase good quality ones and place a few around the home. Diffusers to use essential oils or place the oils in a cloth ball and hang them are great ways to change the atmosphere as well. Burning incense in a room or using perfumes on the skin is another option.

Incense has been used for centuries to clear negative energy out of areas. Regularly using incense such as saffron, palos santos, sage, and many more will boost the positive energy around the home. Using this regularly to clear your aura is greatly encouraged as well. The quality of the incense and essential oils is very important as well. Do your research on what you are bringing into your home.

Awareness Tip!

There are certain incense and perfumes that enhance and help support the zodiac signs. If you are feeling depleted or wanting to find more ways to enhance your well-being, I suggest looking into purchasing incense or perfume that will enrich each of your zodiac signs- Sun, Moon, and Rising.

  1. Aries: perfume of Myrrh
  2. Taurus: perfume like Costus root, an aromatic herb
  3. Gemini: perfume of Mastic
  4. Cancer: perfume of Camphor
  5. Leo: perfume of Frankincense
  6. Virgo: perfume of White Sandalwood
  7. Libra: perfume of Galbanum
  8. Scorpio: perfume of Coral
  9. Sagittarius: perfume of Aloeswood (Lignum aloe)
  10. Capricorn: perfume of Pine extract
  11. Aquarius: perfume of Spikenard
  12. Pisces: perfume of Thyme

For more information on the support incense and perfume may have with your zodiac sign I suggest visiting Glorian.org and learning from them.

4) Who You Allow Into Your Space

As discussed before, everything has a vibration and frequency. Be aware of the type of energy and people you are allowing into your space. Of course, there are circumstances in which someone may not be able to have full range of who can or cannot come into the home, but be diligent to clear the space when needed. This goes for when you leave the home and enter into denser spaces, place proper protection around yourself and cleanse your energy when you are able to.

You are also impacting your home and those around you directly. Being attuned to your own energy, and consistently checking back in with yourself and releasing is the best way to hold that sacred space. When you are fully present, fully conscious, and fully surrendered to the divine with the heart open- that in itself is sacred. The longer you can hold yourself in that space, the more natural it will become.

Calling in the Divine is an incredibly powerful way to raise the vibration of a space. Regularly connecting with these energies will shift your vessel, and the space around you. There are so many benefits to interacting with these high vibrational energies. They are always around and waiting for you to let them assist you.

There is More!

There are many more ways to create a sacred space, both internally of the self and externally in the environment. A goal you can set to achieve is to have the external environment be the reflection of what you want the internal world of being to look like. It takes consistency, diligence, and constant awareness to create this sacred space.

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